Embassies & consulate offices of Tajikistan abroad | ||
Country | Address | Telephone, E-mail |
Austria | A-1090 Vienna, Universitats Strasse 8/1A |
+43 1 409 82 66 11 tajikembassy@chello.at |
Iran | The square Niyovaron, Shahid Zinali b.3,10 |
+98 21 229 95 84 280 92 49 tajemb-iran@mail.ru |
China | Beijing, 100 600 №5-1-41 Ta yuan Diplomatic Compound |
+86 10 65 32 30 39 65 32 25 98 td@a-l.net.cn |
Consult of RT in Pakistan | House 90, Main Double Road, F-10/1,Islamabad |
+92 51 229 46 75 tajikcns@isb.comsats.net.pk |
Constant representative of RT by UNO | 136 East 67th Str. NY, USA |
+1 212 744 21 96 tajikistan@un.int |
Turkey | M.Gandhi Cad. 36 06700 Ankara, Turkey |
+90 312 446 16 02 0535 232 18 02 tajemb_turkey@hotmail.com |
Germany | Otto-Suhr-Allee 84 10585 Berlin |
+49 30 347 93 00 tajemb-germ@embassy-tajikistan.de |
Belgium |
+322 640 69 33 tajemb-belgium@skynet.be |
Afghanistan | Cabul, Vasir Akbarhon region, Saraki - 10, b.3. |
00873763010311 FMakhkamov@tojikiston.com |
1725 K Street, N.W., Suite 409, WashingtonD.C.,20006 |
+202 223 6090 tajik.embassy@verizon.com |
Belarussia | Minsk, 220050, Kirov str.,17 |
+3 7517 226 19 44 tajemb-belarus@rambler.ru |
Kazakhstan | Almaty Al-Farabi str., 96 |
+7 3272 54 28 69 93 51 65 tajemb-kaz@vitelco.kz |
Russia | Moscow, Granatniy lane,13 |
+7 095 290 57 36 tajikistan@rcbmail.ru |
Turkmenistan | Ashhabad, Gurungun,14 |
+9 9312 35 56 96 39 34 31 embtd@online.tm |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent, M.Torobi square,19 |
+9 98712 54 99 66 temb@online.tm |
Kyrghyzstan | Bishkek |
+9 96312 220094 tojasaforat@exnet.kg |