The Republic of Uzbekistan is a young state in Central Asia that became independent after the collapse of the USSR in 1991.
Territory - 447.4 thousand sq. Km. The distance between the southern and northern extreme points is 925 km, between the western and eastern points - 1400 km. Uzbekistan shares borders with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan), Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan
The capital is Tashkent.
The state language is Uzbek. Russian is the language of interethnic communication for people of more than 100 nationalities living in Uzbekistan.
The population of Uzbekistan is more then 37 million people, the rural population is 52%. There are 16 cities in Uzbekistan with a population of over 100 thousand people. More ...
The birth rate is 450 - 500 thousand people a year. The average family size is 5-6 people, children and adolescents under 15 years old make up 52%.
Administrative division of the country: 12 regions (viloyats) and the autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan.
The climate in Uzbekistan is sharply continental with short and warm winters and long hot summers. The average temperature in January is minus 2 - 5 ° С (the absolute minimum is 38 ° С) in July is 30 - 38 ° С (the absolute maximum is 49.6 ° С). The number of sunny days is about 300 per year.
Uzbekistan is a country with a rich history. It is home to many ancient civilizations. Here such powerful states as Bactria, Sogdiana, Parthia and Khorezm arose, flourished and disappeared. In the Middle Ages, this was the center of the huge empire of Tamerlane. More than 20 centuries ago, countless caravans carrying at that time priceless silk, porcelain, tea and spices from China to Europe passed along the Great Silk Road. World famous scientists and poets such as Avicenna, Alisher Navoi, Ulugbek, Al-Khorezmi were born and created their works here. Thousands of years ago, fabulous cities with mosques, madrasahs, parks and gardens were built here. Many of them have already been destroyed, but the surviving monuments of the Middle Ages in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva are still worthy of admiration.
Tall and elegant minarets, grandiose mosques, medieval palaces and mausoleums, decorated with amazing ornaments, unique bustle and bright colors of oriental bazaars, ancient legends, traditional hospitality and age-old traditions of local residents attract numerous tourists from all over the world to Uzbekistan.